Friday, 15 April 2016

Dissociation from Evil

💥Dissociation from Evil💥
1) Imam Jafar Sadiq(AS) :
Allah will not accept the belief of anyone who does not accept the wilayat of Hazrat Ali(as) and  one who does not dissociate from his enemies.
(Biharul  Anwar, V26, Pg 229, H 10)

2) Holy Prophet(SAWA):
I have cursed 7 types of people . Out of them one is that person who has harassed my Progeny (AhlulBayt).

3) Abu Hamza  Sumali asked Imam Mohd Baqir (AS) : What  is the recognition of Allah?

Imam(AS) replied : To believe in Allah and his Prophet and to love Hazrat Ali(AS) andbeing aloof from their enemies is the recognition of Allah.
(Biharul Anwar, V 27, Pg 57,  H16)

4) Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS):
All the angels daily seek nearness to Allah(swt) through our wilayat and seek forgiveness for our lover and curse our enemies .
(Basaerud Darajat, Pg 68)

5) Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS):
It is incumbent upon Allah that anyone who has love for the rivals(opponents) of Hazrat Ali(AS) even equal to the grain of a mustard , He will not allow them to go to heaven.
(Tafseere Noorus Saqlain Vol 1 Pg 585)

6) Imam Mohd Baqir (AS):
If anyone want to know whether he love us or not, he should check his heart. If he has the love of our enemies along with our love then he is not from us and we are not from him.
( Al Qatrah min Bihar V 1 Pg 47; Biharul Anwar Vol 1 Pg 47)

7) Imam Baqir (AS) :
Wilayat and Love of Allah(swt) is not acquired except by being enemy of many people(who are the enemy of Allah and Ahlebayt (AS) ) .
(Mohabbat, Pg 361)

8) Imam Ali (AS):
 If  you want someone to make friend then first see who are his enemies .
(Mohabbat, Pg 133)

9. Imam Reza (AS):
There  are some people who are more dangerous to our shia than the Dajjal .

Narrator asked : who are these people?

Imam(AS) : Those people who love our enemies and hate our lover .
(Sifat-ush-Shia, Pg 50,
H 14)

10) Imam Ali (AS) :
Anyone who love our enemy is our killer.
(Tafseere Furat, Pg 39)

11) Imam Mohd Baqir (AS):
The foundation of the religion is the love of Ahlulbayt (AS) and the love of their lover and  dissociating from their enemies  is included  in their obedience.
(Usool e Kafi, V 2, Pg 18)

12. Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS):
Holy Prophet (SAWA) asked his companion : Which is the strongest rope of religion which can be the cause of the deliverance of people and can make them able to achieve eternal blessing ?

Some people said namaz is the strongest rope, other said Fast, some other said zakat, similarly some said Haj, Umrah, Jehad etc.

Holy Prophet (SAWA) said : Whatever all of you have said are having reward but these all actions cannot become the strongest rope for the belief (Iman) until the foundation of the belief is laid on the love of Allah and his messenger and 
dissociating from the enemies of Allah and his messenger.
(Usoole Kafi, V 2, Pg 125)

13. Imam Reza (as) :
Those people who oppress Mohammad (sawa) and his progeny, it is obligatory to dissociate from them."
[Uyoone-e Akhbare Reza Pg 268]

It is obligatory that one should hate Nakeseen, Faseqeen and Mareqeen which means those people who fought with Imam Ali (as) in the battle of Jamal on behalf of Aisha and in the battle of Siffeen on behalf of Muawiya and should also hate the Kharejee of Nahrwan and those people who rejected the Wilayat of Ali (as) and contrary to this.

It is also necessary (obligatory) to love those people who followed Imam Ali (as) like Salman, Abuzar, Miqdad, Ammar-e-Yasir, etc.

14) Imam Jafar Sadiq(AS):
Allah has cursed the Qadriya , Khawarij , Murje’ah.
(Al Kafi, V 2, Pg 409)

15) Imam Reza(AS) :
Peace be on Friends of Allah. Curse of Allah be on enemies of progeny of Mohammad (SAWA) from Jinn and man and I hate all of them.
(Al Kafi, V 4, Pg 579)

16) Imam Jafar Sadiq(AS) said regarding Ayat Surah Isra: 60
“Shajare Mal’oona (The accursed Tree) in this Ayat means Bani Umayya”.
(Tafseere Ayyashi, Vol 2, Pg 297;
Note : Allah has cursed Bani Umayya in the Holy Quran)

17) Imam Jafar Sadiq(AS) :
That person is a liar who says that he is our lover but does not remain aloof from our enemies.
(Biharul Anwar, Vol 27, Pg 58, H 18)

18) Imam Sadiq (AS):
One who doubts regarding the disbelief of our enemies and of those who oppressed us is himself a disbeliever.
(Wasael ush Shia V.18; P.561)

19) Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS):
Imam Mahdi (ATFS) will invite people towards Holy Quran, Sunnat of Holy Prophet (SAWA), wilayat of Hazrat Ali (AS) and towards dissociating from their enemies.
(Biharul Anwar; V.52 P.343, 342)

20) Holy Prophet (sawa): Blessed be those who are fortunate to live in the time of Qaim of my Ahle Bayt. Those who will believe in him during his occultation and before his advent who will love his friends and remain aloof from his enemies. Such people will be my closest ones and my friends on the Day of Judgment.
(Kamaluddin V.1; C.25; H.2)

21) Holy Prophet (Sawa):
Glad tidings for those who live till the time of the Qaim of my Ahle Bayt and follow him before his advent. Those who, during his occultation, have faith in him and the Imams preceding him and will be aloof from their enemies for the sake of Allah, they shall be my friends and the most honorable persons of my Ummah.
(Kamaluddin V.1; C.25; H.3)

22) Hazrat Imam Moosa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim(AS) said in reply to a question of Yunus ibn Abdur Rehman who had asked Imam whether he was Qaem:
"Yes, I am Qaem, but not that Qaem who will fill the earth with justice. He will be my fifth son, may my life be sacrificed for him. For a long time he will be in occultation … Glad Tidings for my those Shias who in his occultation will be stead­ fast on him andwill be having enmity from his enemies, They are from us and we are from them. They are satisfied with our Imamat and we are satisfied from their being Shia. Then glad tidings for them, By Allah they will be with us in Paradise.
(Bihar ul Anwar, V.51, P.151;
Kamaluddin, C.34 H.5)

23) Holy Prophet (SAWA): Congratulations to the person who meets the Qa’im [one who will rise] from my Ahlul Bayt and has firm belief in him before his advent. He will have love for his friends, and will distance himself from his enemies and will have love for the leaders of guidance (the Imams) who came before him.  Indeed these are my true friends, those whom I have love and affection for and (they) are the noblest of people from my nation.
(Biharul Anwar, V.52, P.129)

24) Holy Prophet (SAWA): Oh Abdullah! Love for Allah and bear enmity for the sake of Allah and love and enmity should be in the way of Allah since wilayat of Allah will not be achieved except by this way .No one can taste the Iman (faith) howsoever  much he prays or fast except that he become like this .
(Biharul Anwar, V.69, P.236, H.1;
Elalush Sharae;
Uyoone Akhbare Reza (as))

25) Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS) :
Anyone whose  love or hate (with the people) is not based on religion has no religion at all.
(Kafi, V.2, P.127)

26) A person asked Holy Prophet (sawa):
How can we understand that our love and enmity is for the sake of Allah?
Who is the beloved one of Allah so that we can love him? and who is the enemy of Allah so that we can hate him?

Holy Prophet (SAWA) pointed his finger towards Hazrat Ali (AS) and said :
Lover of Amirul momineen is the lover of Allah, therefore love him.
His enemy is the enemy of Allah, therefore be the enemy of his enemy.

Be the friend of the lover of Hazrat Ali (AS) though he may the killer of your father and your sons 
and be the enemy of his enemy though he may your father or your son.
(Biharul Anwar, V.69, P.236, H.1;
Elalush Sharae;
Uyoone Akhbare Reza (as))

👉"May Allah Curse the ones who oppressed you, O Fatima (s.a.)!”

لَعَنَ اللهُ قَاتِلِيْكِ يَا فَاطِمَةُ الزَّهْرَاء عَلَيْهَا السَّلَام


😡Bar Dushman e Ahlulbait (a.s.) Laanat Beshumaar 💥

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